Thank You From Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles December 17, 2020 Dear Car Donation Foundation, Thank you for the Car Donation Foundation’s support to help Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles achieve its mission of granting life-changing wishes for children...
Thank You From Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles December 27, 2019 Dear Car Donation Foundation, Thank you for the Car Donation Foundation’s support to help Make-A-Wish Greater Las Angeles achieve its mission of granting...
Thank You From Make-A-Wish® Greater Los Angeles September 11, 2018 Dear Car Donation Foundation,Thank you for helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles brings hope, strength, and joy to children with life-threating medical conditions. On...
Thank You From Make-A-Wish® Greater Los Angeles January 24, 2018 Dear Car Donation Foundation, Thank you for helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles bring hope, strength, and joy to children with life-threatening medical conditions. On...
Thank You From Make-A-Wish® Greater Los Angeles April 4, 2019 Dear Car Donation Foundation, Thank you for helping the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Greater Los Angeles bring hope, strength, and joy to children with life-threatening medical conditions. On behalf...