Thank You From Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles
Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles
December 27, 2019
Dear Car Donation Foundation,
Thank you for the Car Donation Foundation’s support to help Make-A-Wish Greater Las Angeles achieve its mission of granting life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. On behalf of our wish kids and their families, we greatly appreciate the Car Donation Foundation’s charitable donation of $31,456.03 received on 12/20/2019 from the November 2019 Wheels For Wishes proceeds.
With Car Donation Foundation’s generosity, we can continue providing wishes for hundreds of children throughout Los Angeles County. The Knowledge that wishes have a definite and positive impact on the healing process inspires us to help every eligible child experience the transformative power of a wish.
We are always inspired by wish kids who recognize the importance of giving back- like 18-year-old Nicolas, who wished to help others during their tough times. After battling months of radiation and chemotherapy at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles due to a brain tumor, Nicolas felt compelled to pay his wish forward to children like himself. Donning a superhero cape, Nicolas’ wish was fulfilled as he visited CHLA and gave toys with inspirational messages on them to children who were undergoing medical treatments. After seeing the smiles of all the kids, Nicolas said,” I’m so grateful for getting the opportunity to do that. I’m more appreciative of the life I have. This situation taught me everything about what’s important in life.” Today, Nicolas is in remission. Taking college courses and looking toward his bright future.
The past year, the Los Angeles chapter granted 336 wishes. However, there are over 500 children in Los Angeles currently waiting to have their wish granted. Now more than ever, we are committed to closing the gap and achieving our vision of granting the wish of every eligible child. That is why your donation means so much to us.
Thank you again for making an impact in the lives of children and their families in such a profound, meaningful, and lasting way.
Warmest Wishes,
Mike Kallhoff
President and CEO
Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles