Thank You From Operation Gratitude
February 10, 2020
To the Board of Directors of the Car Donation Foundation:
I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere congratulations to everyone at Car Donation Foundation and National Fundraising Management on achieving the remarkable milestone of $80 Million to charitable organizations.
The Car Donation Foundation’s tremendous generosity has enabled Operation Gratitude Wounded Hero and Caregiver Program to grow and thrive for the past two years. In 2019 alone, we delivered over 8,000 of our signature Care Packages to Wounded Heroes and their Caregivers to life their spirits and remind them that they are seen and supported by grateful Americans everywhere. Throughout the year, 169 community volunteers joined Operation Gratitude for in-person delivery of these Care Packages, significantly contributing to our mission of forging strong bonds between grateful Americans and their military and Veteran heroes.
To demonstrate the profound impact the Car Donation Foundation and its fundraiser, National Fundraising Management (led by Randy Heiligman and Bill Bigley), has made on Wounded Heroes and their Caregiver across the country, I would like to share two emails that we recently received from the recipients of your kindness:
“Hi, I relieved the lovely care package today from Operation Gratitude and wanted to express my heartfelt thank to you and all the sponsors who helped to fill the box with wonderful surprises. The generosity means so much to us and it certainly lifted our spirits.”
“These boxes always seem to bring so much happiness when someone needs it the most – sometimes you just send these out and have no idea how much it means to the people receiving them. Please know these boxes mean the world to the person and make more of a difference then you know. A horrible few weeks and then there is a box and a smile crosses the face of someone who has not smiled in such a long time.”
These positive outcomes were made possible by the Car Donation Foundation, and they are just two examples of the thousands of lives that have been touched as a result of you achieving this incredible milestone. Your tireless work on behalf of Veterans and their families demonstrates a deep commitment to those who have selflessly served and sacrificed for our nation. Operation Gratitude is proud to call Car donation Foundation a trusted partner.
With Gratitude and Semper Fidelis,
Kevin M. Schmiegel
Chief Executive Officer
Lieutenant Colonel, USMC (Ret.)